Do not expect life to be same as yesterday. Life, just like time never stops, keeps changing and keeps evolving. It’s a new life every time, every next moment. Remember Life always moves forward and does not go back to its past.
Life therefore will not be normal like earlier or back to what it was. In fact it will be its new normal and people will learn to embrace the new life leaving behind the old one.
The beauty or fallacy of life is it doesn’t stop for anyone. It treats everyone big, small, tall, tiny, rich and poor equally. For that matter, life does not distinguish between sorrow and happiness. It leaves the prerogative to us to decide.
When you draw something on a canvas, it’s not always that the outcome is what you have expected. Don’t try to make the mistake of correcting it. In an attempt to make it better, you may end up make it worse. Take a new canvas instead and draw a new picture. Better still, gather yourself, imagine the visual in your mind and heart and then put it on the new canvas.
Life too is like this canvas. Use it wisely. Treat it smartly and gently. Do not be in a rush to fill up every blank space on the canvas. Let it evolve and allow your story to evolve too. Try not to keep pace with the speed of life. Set you own pace. Pull back and hold still from the canvas at times. You get a picture that you had imagined.
And never regret any decision that you have done with conviction. If you failed, remember, life has not failed you. Life doesn’t fail anyone. Life only helps those who wish to win. Whether Corona or no Corona, remember to take life in your stride and keep moving. Make the most of every moment and gain from every experience.
Learn to unlearn. Only when you unlearn will you be able to learn the new.